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Progress in Mind
Our corresponden't highlights from an ECNP symposium (2019) are meant as a fair representation of the scientific content presented. The views and opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of Lundbeck.
AU-NOTPR-0206. October 2020
1. MacQueen GM et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003; 100: 1387-92.
2. MacQueen GM et al. Biol Psychiatry 2008; 64: 880-3.
3. Evans VC et al. J Clin Psychiatry 2014;75:1359-70
4. Rock PL et al. Psychol Med 2014; 44: 2029-40.
5. Guo T, Xiang YT, Xiao L et al. Am J Psychiatry 2015; 172(10): 1004-1013.
6. Carpiniello B et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1997; 96: 235-41.
7. Zimmerman M et al. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163: 148-50.
8. Demyttenaere K, Donneau AF, Albert A et al. J Affect Disord 2015; 174: 390-396.
9. Demyttenaere K, Donneau AF; Albert et al. J Affect Disord 2015; 174: 372-377.
10. Demyttenaere K Mortier P, Kiekens G et al. CNS Spectr 2019; 24: 265-74.
11. Chokka P, Bougie J, Rampakakis E et al. CNS Spectr. 2018; 24(3), 338-347.
12. Chokka P, Bougie J, Proulx J et al. CNS Spectr. 2019; 25, 1-12.