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Transdiagnostic psychiatry aims to provide a better classification system for psychiatric disorders than current systems by cutting across current diagnostic boundaries to guide more effective prevention and treatment, explained experts at EPA 2022.
Why is transdiagnostic psychiatry necessary?
Psychiatric diagnoses not only overlap in their clinical features, for instance in terms of sleep, appetite, interest, activity, cognition, mood, delusions, and self-harm, but many patients with a psychiatric diagnosis have psychiatric comorbidities,1 said Professor Ole Andreasson, Oslo, Norway.
Any concept that is transdiagnostic must cut across diagnostic boundaries
In addition, common genetic variants are shared across mental traits and disorders, which suggests that the current diagnostic boundaries do not reflect distinct underlying pathogenic processes on a genetic level and that psychiatric disorders are interconnected.2
The transdiagnostic approach has, therefore, been developed to cut across the existing diagnostic boundaries of current psychiatric classification systems to provide a better classification system for psychiatric disorders and guide more effective prevention and treatment.
Overall, the quality of transdiagnostic studies so far has been poor
What has been achieved so far using the transdiagnostic approach?
Professor Marco Solmi, Ottawa, Canada, presented the results of a systematic review of transdiagnostic psychiatric research (based on the word transdiagnostic in the title) he carried out with colleagues to analyze the quality and findings of transdiagnostic studies.3
The study revealed that most of the 111 transdiagnostic studies analyzed had focused on depressive and anxiety disorders, and that 20% of the studies analyzed were not actually transdiagnostic. Overall, the quality of the studies was low.
TRANSDiagnostic research recommendations have been developed to improve future transdiagnostic psychiatric research
To guide and improve future transdiagnostic psychiatric research on prevention, treatment and diagnostic and clinical characterization, Professor Solmi and his colleagues therefore propose practical TRANSDiagnostic research recommendations as follows:3
Transdiagnostic research should not neglect individual diagnoses
Use of the transdiagnostic approach for prevention
Professor Solmi presented a meta-umbrella systematic synthesis of umbrella reviews (systematic reviews of meta-analyses of individual studies) he had carried out on non-genetic risk or protective factors for any diagnosed mental disorders. The TRANSD criteria were applied to test the transdiagnosticity of factors.4
Many transdiagnostic risk factors occur during childhood, the perinatal period or gestation4
The study revealed many transdiagnostic risk factors for mental disorders, many of which occur during childhood, the perinatal period or gestation.4
Universal prevention might be more likely to be evaluated using transdiagnostic approaches in the future, but the cost-effectiveness of transdiagnostic approaches should be evaluated before discontinuing effective diagnostic categories-based paradigms, concluded Professor Solmi.
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